I LOVE bees because they make honey! But have you ever wondered how bees make honey? (Вы когда-нибудь задумывались, как?)
There are about 20,000 different kinds ( разные виды ) of bees in the world. But only "honeybees" make the honey we eat. They do not know they make honey for us, however ( однако ). They make honey to feed themselves ( кормить себя ). They make honey to eat during ( в течение ) the winter. They make 3 times more ( в 3 раза больше ) honey than they need. So we can eat the rest (остальное)!
How bees make honey:
1. Bees search ( искать ) for flowers.
2. They use their long tongue ( длинный язык ) to drink the sweet juice out of the flower.
3. The juice (called nectar / нектар ) is saved in a special stomach ( особый желудок ) called a "honey stomach".
4. The bees go back to their hive ( улей ) and with their mouths give the nectar to other bees.
5. The other bees chew ( жевать ) the nectar for 30 minutes.
6. Then those bees give it to other bees! The new bees chew it for 30 minutes.
7. Group after group ( группа за группой ) of bees chew the nectar until it becomes honey.
8. When the nectar becomes honey, it is put in a honeycomb
( соты ) cell. Each ( каждый ) honeycomb cell is like a little jar
( банка ) made of wax ( воск ).
9. The bees flap their wings ( машут крыльями ) over the honey to make it thick ( густой ).
10. When the cell is full ( полный ), the bees make a wax lid
( восковая крышка ) to cover the cell so it stays fresh in winter.
11. When the honey is in the cells, beekeepers ( пчеловоды ) can get it without hurting
( причинять боль ) the honeycomb.
12. Then the honey is cleaned of the wax so you can eat it!
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